Being Global

I'm getting pretty close to my 8 months mark. That means I only have a little bit over 2 months left, and it's starting to scare me because I know how quickly these 2 months are going to pass. But this has also got me to do a lot of reflection on this year, what I've achieved, and what I've learned, and what I still have to or want to complete.

One of the things I thought about was how I remember one time that AFS told us about trying to become more of a global person, a world citizen- being educated in and experiencing other cultures, languages, and parts of the world, instead of being ignorant and only knowing about where you come from.

This reminded me of one time a few months ago. I was with my friend Ben, who's German, and we were watching a soccer game (of course).

I remember that at one point during the game, he started talking to a guy who was sitting on the other side of him.

Picture this: in that moment, we had a German speaking in English to a Japanese speaking in Spanish.

They're from totally different places in the world, they weren't speaking their native languages, and yet they were able to understand eachother, interact, have an enjoyable conversation, and learn about eachother and their respective cultures.

How amazing is that? I think about that moment a lot. And I think everyone could learn a lot from an experience like that. I know I did.

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Bellingham, Washington, United States