
The 10 of us that were there. From left to right: Mary Beth (Minnesota), Catherine (New Zealand), Pinja (Finland), Sarah (Portland), Linda (Iceland), Me, Zeke (St. Louis), Danielle (Houston), Caroline (Boston), & Mackenzie (Phoenix).
Saturday, January 22nd, was the 18th birthday of fellow AFSer Linda from Iceland. She, and Sarah from Portland, Oregon, are both in Segovia, a small city 60 miles north of Madrid. Those two frequently take the bus into Madrid for activities that the 17 of us in the Madrid area with AFS are constantly planning. We've done stuff such as go to the Parque de Atracciones, see the premier of the latest Harry Potter movie, and have a white elephant gift exchange, and let me tell you, we still have a long list of things to do together.

We've been talking for a while about how we need to take the trip up to Segovia one day since they're always coming down, plus we wanted to see the city for ourselves, and Linda's birthday ended up being the perfect opportunity.

And she had no idea.

Thanks to Sarah who had the great idea in the first place, we began to plan it out secretly during weeks. We would all meed up in Madrid and catch a bus together Saturday morning, surprise her when we got to Segovia, and spend the whole day together.

We got into Segovia at about 11am, and the plan was to meet in front of the Aqueduct, the most famous landmark of the city that was built the year Jesus was born to move water around the city.

We still didn't know exactly how we were going to surprise her when we arrived. But someone came up with something last minute. We bought a newspaper and split the pages between us. Then, we spread ourselves out around the plaza that's right in front of the Aqueduct, and hid behind the pages. We didn't know which direction she was going to come from (accompanied by Sarah) so the Aqueduct became 12 o clock, and who ever saw her first had to yell out the number she was coming from according to the clock, and we had to yell it between us.

I was sitting on a bench at about 10 o clock, and I while I was sitting there I overheard a man next to me telling someone on the phone that he was scared because the plaza was full of "American spies". Yeah. We're that good.

What ended up happening was the instant she walked into the square with Sarah, she spotted Danielle standing there with a newspaper. We all witnessed it happening, and Danielle played it off like "woah, what are you doing here? I'm here with my host family" type of thing. Meanwhile the rest of us all ran over to where they were. She was SO surprised, and really excited to see us all.

After Linda got over the shock, and everyone wished her a happy birthday, we climbed the shortest spot of the Aqueduct to take pictures, tried typical Segovian dessert, saw the cathedral, took a tour of the Alcázar, the castle of Segovia which is the inspiration of one of the Disney castles, and of course ended the day with good ol' churros with chocolate. The churros are always a must when we all meet up. Even though we know they're fattening all of us up.

Churros con chocolate: mi boca le encantan, mi estómago no tanto, y, mi boca siempre gana. ¿Por qué? Porque desafortunadamente mi boca está más cerca al cerebro.

The cathedral

The cathedral from the top of the Alcázar

El Alcázar

At the end of the day, Linda could not stop saying how it was her best birthday ever, and they way she said it, you knew it was the complete truth. All of us AFSers that are here in Madrid have become so close throughout the last 5 months, and they are my favorite people here in Spain.
We always enjoy every second together, whether it be just two or three of us, or all 17. We're like family, and even after only five months, every single one of them will always have a special place in my heart. These are life-long relationships we've made.
On a sadder note though, we had to say goodbye today to one of us. Mary Beth is changing families, and today she took a bus to her new family in Alicante.
Mary Beth and I were especially close. She lived pretty close to me, and we were constantly adventuring throughout the city. She'll be missed, but there's no doubt in my mind that we'll still continue to see and talk to eachother. Hopefully we'll be able to make a trip to Alicante to see her.

So, Mary Beth, I'd like to wish you good luck with her new family, school, friends, and life in Alicante. Have fun chica! :)

5 comments to "Segovia"


    && you HAVE to come visit mee!!! that is NOT OPTIONAL! :D

    we've gotta talk soon so i can fill you in on everythinggggg! and oh, btdubs, my pen ran out of ink while writing in my journal...

    miss you chico :( <3

  • && your welcome for all the photos =D

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  • Jake..
    So the mouth is mightier then the brain?? ;)

    Great picture's...
    Thanks for sharing...
    Mary Beth... THANK YOU TOO!!!!
    To the rest of the group THANK YOU ALSO!!! (for sharing them on FB) I love see them there too.

    WOW J- look what you have done in a year! From the time I guessed what you did & where you wanted to go... You are clearly meant to do greatness in this world. (all of you are.) I'm sure all of your families are very proud of you too.

    Mary Beth...
    Good luck... I know when a door closes one opens... If it doesn't look for the window. The view just might surprise you & be amazing...

    J- till your next post...

  • Jake...I've stood under that Aqueduct and pondered the incredulous fact that it has been there for thousands of years...and yet the bridge in South Park, over the Duwamish river here at home has to be closed down because it cannot withstand the test of several decades...what is wrong with this picture??
    Sorry about your friend moving to Alicante, but she will LOVE it and you SHOULD hop a train and get down there! Love to follow this blog. Keep it coming! Love, Maureen

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Bellingham, Washington, United States